Additional Misconduct
The following are examples of additional misconduct that is likely to lead to disciplinary action and is not exhaustive.
- Misuse of unauthorised use of Union premises and property, including equipment owned by the Union
- Failure to comply with Union financial procedures
- Damage to, defacement of, or misappropriation of Union property or the property of the other members of the Union, whether caused intentionally or unintentionally
- Making defamatory or maliciously false statements about any member of the University community
- Any action likely to cause injury or acting without due regard to the safety of others
- Disorderly, threatening, bullying or offensive behaviour or harassment whether physically or verbally whilst representing or purporting to represent the Union on or off Union premises
- Any breach of the Union’s Equality and Diversity Policy
- Any breach of the Union’s Safeguarding Policy
- Any breach of the Union’s Zero Tolerance Policy
- Any breach of the Union’s Social Media Policy
- Any breach of the Union’s External Speakers
The following are examples of misconduct which shall be considered by the Union to constitute an act of serious misconduct;
- acting to, or with intent to, commit theft, fraud, deceit, deception or dishonesty in relation to the Union, its staff and members or while representing or purporting to represent the Union;
- discrimination, harassment, victimisation of others on the grounds of their age, disability, gender, gender re-assignment, pregnancy, maternity, race, religion, belief, sexual orientation or any other characteristic protected under the Equality Act 2010 and any subsequent legislation as may be applied;
- the use, possession or supply of illegal drugs on Union premises or while representing or purporting to represent the Union;
- committing a criminal offence if relevant to the Union or to the members’ standing as a member of the University community;
- physical or sexual violence towards others, or the threat of physical or sexual violence;
- persistent or repeated acts of misconduct over an extended period;
- failure to report a criminal conviction or driving disqualification to the Union.