Credit cards could become your worst enemy!
When you reach the age of 18, you can apply for a credit card, which is a different type of debt. With a credit card, you effectively borrow money from the bank and agree to pay it back at the end of the month; if you don't, you'll be charged interest on the initial amount. And for that reason, it's recommended to avoid using credit cards while you're in school because you'll find it quite difficult to pay off the debts if you don't have a source of income. This implies that the interest will accrue quickly and leave you in considerable debt. Do not be fooled by the minimal payments' appearance of affordability. Even if you can meet these each month, they are only designed to pay off a fraction of your debt, which means your borrowing costs skyrocket. If you need to be scared out of this, consider this: if you borrowed £3,000 when you were 21, and simply made the minimum credit card payments, you'd be 50 before it was paid off