Ideas Forum

Welcome to the Ideas Forum! This is a place where you can submit any idea for change about your university experience or vote and comment on existing ideas.

If you can get at least 25 other students to vote for your idea, the Union officers are then able to consider it. Don't stop at 25 though - the more votes and comments an idea gets, the more power it gives us to try to action it!

Once an Idea has reached at least 25 up-votes, it will be sent to Executive Committee and/or Student Summit which are meetings where Union staff and students discuss, vote on and potentially action your idea. So don't hold back, let us know what you want us to do! (You can even post anonymously if you prefer to)

The Ideas Forum is such a direct and effective way to get your voice heard and you can use it as many times as you like during your studies - we know that your needs and wants change year on year, so use the Ideas Forum to reflect the current issues you are facing and let us know what it is you care about.

Before you post please consider the following

  • Make sure your idea clearly states what you want to change and why – things like how it would be funded, who it would apply to – give as much detail as possible. If you don’t, we may have to delete your idea or it could be rejected by students for being too vague.
  • Check to see if the idea has already been passed under the ‘ view passed ideas’ tab – we might already be working on your idea!
  • Check to see if your idea has already been posted by someone else – if so, don’t post the idea again, but vote and comment on the existing idea
  • Check to see if your idea has been rejected and why under the ‘view rejected ideas’ tab – it might mean slight changes to your post, or it might give you an insight in to how students felt about this topic.

Please Note: You will need to log in to submit a new idea, or comment on an existing idea, below.

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  • 31 score
    31 votes

    Extra time during exams

    • Assignments and Exams
    • Accessibility
    Currently, students who have support plan /disability who are eligible for extra time during exams are not able to get extra time due to the uni not doing it anymore. Students are struggling especially if in sixth form/collage they had extra time it will make the transition impossible and makes students with disabilities disadvantaged during exams
Aaron Saju
6:33am on 24 Nov 24 I agree since I fall under DSA for that too.
Lucy Stevenson
12:49pm on 25 Nov 24 Hello my student number is 100766980 could the student that has set this up please comment and we can try and get more people to vote together thanks :)
James Eames
6:21pm on 17 Feb 25 Hi, I'm the union's Disability Officer for 2024-25 - if anyone has been affected by the changes to support plans, please let me know by emailing (even if it's just "hi, I have a disability / support plan and can't get the support I need"), and if you need help with trying to set up or update a support plan, or to make a complaint, you can make an appointment with someone from the Advice team here: