Expired Ideas

These are all the ideas that have expired before reaching the required number of votes.

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  • 21 score
    25 voters

    Hygiene suggestion

      I think it would be good to have some alcohol-based hand sanitizer that contains at least 60% alcohol. To help reduce spread of germs around the campuses. As I have encountered quite a few people who have not used soap when washing hands, or not washing hands at all especially after visiting the loo. If those people don't like using soap maybe an alternative form? Or using hand sanitizer might help?
    Nicola Samples
    2:52pm on 14 Nov 17 I agree with this. I have to carry around my own sanitizer as I’m allergic to a lot of soaps so I can definitely see the benefit
    Laura Maher
    11:10am on 7 Oct 19 Unfortunately this idea did not reach the requisite 25 up-votes before the expiry date to be taken forward by the Union of Students Thank you so much for taking the time to share your voice. Please be aware that you are eligible to submit the same idea to the Ideas Forum twice each academic year, so if you would like to submit this idea again to attempt to reach over 25 votes you are free to do so! There are other ways to get your voice heard too! You can speak to your Full Time Officers and Part Time Officers https://www.derbyunion.co.uk/change/officers/ as well as attending Scrutiny Panel held six times per year (check the Union events calendar for dates) and also attending Summit which this year is being held on 27th November 2019, 10-12:30 PM in OL2 at Ked Road. We will never stop representing you and your academic interests!