Expired Ideas

These are all the ideas that have expired before reaching the required number of votes.

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Rachel Allsebrook
10:27am on 11 Sep 18 YESSSSS!
Charlotte Crilley
10:33am on 11 Sep 18 100% agree!!
Jane Fox
10:40am on 11 Sep 18 This would be amazing.
Emily Lomas
10:46am on 11 Sep 18 Definitely agree! There are very few healthy options in the cafe and only one hot option which is only soup! If we had a microwave we would be able to bring warm meals from home.
Rachel Allsebrook
10:48am on 11 Sep 18 Plus the fact that we’re often there when the cafe is closed, with no access to food or drinks. Perhaps a kettle could be added?
Amy Hewitt
11:14am on 11 Sep 18 Definitely!! The cafe doesn’t offer much choice and not healthy choices and is extremely expensive. I agree a kettle would be ideal also !
Alice Squires
1:12pm on 11 Sep 18 Definately need some facilities for us students. The cafe has limited options and not cheap. Kettle and microwave would be ideal especially with winter coming up!
Cassandra Hodgkinson
1:26pm on 11 Sep 18 definately need this and it doesnt seem fair that derby campus can have access to one but chesterfield hasnt. its coming up to winter now and health options are not available when it comes to warm food.
Samantha Goodwin
1:34pm on 11 Sep 18 Definately a good idea!!
Jayne Taylor
1:44pm on 11 Sep 18 Not everyone can afford the café prices and a microwave would help us especially when trying to juggling finances.
Sylvie-Claire Porter
1:51pm on 11 Sep 18 This would be really beneficial. Especially if there is a kettle with it, like on our old campus rather than having to pay for hot water.
Raechel Hessey
3:55pm on 11 Sep 18 fab idea, we should be given the facilities that derby have.
Amber Barker
3:57pm on 11 Sep 18 Good Idea!!!!
Joshua Fletcher
4:24pm on 11 Sep 18 Probably wouldn't use it myself but I can confidently say that many of my class mates would get a lot of use out of it.
Brooke Shelton
4:54pm on 11 Sep 18 Definitely a good idea! ??
Kimberly Fox
5:05pm on 11 Sep 18 This would be a great idea. There have been way too many times when we’ve been in uni when the cafe has closed early, ran out of food or has only had 1 member of staff serving which has meant that we have completely wasted our entire lunch break standing in a queue often resulting in having no lunch at all! Other options such as a microwave or kettle would solve so many problems!!!
Catherine McConologue
5:13pm on 11 Sep 18 Absolutely needed. They have one at Kedleston Road, do why not Chesterfield?
Felisha Johnson
9:14pm on 11 Sep 18 This shouldn’t even be an issue. It would be lovely to heat my lunch instead of eating it cold. The cafe prices are extortionate and the quest are ridiculous
Kamila Kucinska
7:16am on 12 Sep 18 Definitely needed! Especially since Chesterfield Campus only has one food facility compared to the much bigger number at kedelston road.
Frankie Twigg
10:20am on 12 Sep 18 This is an idea we have been trying to request for a long time. I recall the OLD chesterfield campus having a boiler for hot water/drinks so why can this not be an option at the new site? Microwaves are definitely needed, we are students and cannot afford Starbucks prices, as much as we would like to. Derby main site seems to have much more options for food/drinks which is a shame and seems slightly unfair on the Chesterfield Campus.
Paula Gale
9:11pm on 12 Sep 18 lost count how many times a microwave has been requested on behalf of students at rep meetings. there is plrnty of demand and support for one which has been said in rep meetings. when all is said, as nice as a Starbucks coffee is, we are student on a budget with finite resources. to bring own food in order to have value, choice and healthy options requires something other than spending limited funds on panini and sausage rolls. i support this idea whole heartedly whether id use it or not because my fellow cobort students and students elsewhere have been asking for ages. Thanks.
Brooke Kennedy
7:38am on 13 Sep 18 It would really benefit so many students if we got one, as there isn’t much choice at the cafe, it’s good just not my taste and quite expensive too!!
Laura Maher
9:59am on 14 Sep 18 CONGRATULATIONS! This idea has now reached the requisite number of up-votes to be taken to Summit to be considered by the Union of Students officers later this year. We will feed back to you with any updates and progress regarding this issue. Thank you all for coming together to give us your ideas and opinions - your voice really DOES make a difference! #changewithus
Victoria Bradley
10:57am on 14 Sep 18 This is definatly needed here at Chesterfield campus.
Mateo Ceballos Querol
4:56pm on 3 Oct 18 What a great idea. I am part time officer this year and I am trying to get microwaves set up at Markeaton Street and Britannia mill sites as well. We need to spread the idea around and get more people interested