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24 Hours University Research Facility Access for PG students
6 years ago
Muhammad Ali
University Sites
Environment and Sustainability
The University doesn't provide extended work hours for PhD research students at Markeaton Lodge any time of the year. Phd students should not be restricted to specific time schedule. With summer session, our office timings have been restricted to 7pm, which is unfortunate, the research needs serious contemplation and momentum which is easily broken when a guard asks you to go home. It would be a massive help for us as research students to have 24/7 access to our research facilities.
Syed Ali Zahir Bukhari
3:20pm on 27 Jun 19
It’s a crucial matter and requires immediate attention! Specially for those who are in their final years!
Jawwad Ahmed
6:48pm on 27 Jun 19
its essentially required.
Bilal Arshad
11:07am on 3 Jul 19
Please upvote this and ask all your colleagues to do the same! It is imperative that access to these facilities are provided on a 24/7 basis as suggested.
Muhammad Shahroz Nadeem
10:18am on 4 Jul 19
Office timing for research students should be bound or treated like that of primary schools (i.e. school closes at 5). Especially for PGRs who have teaching duties as well. Personally, in my experience, the quiet time starts after 6 pm and we can work with full focus. I believe its imperative that PGR students are not restricted to work in certain hours as it affects their productivity and makes it difficult to face deadlines.
Haider Ali
11:24pm on 4 Jul 19
There should be no restriction on time and researchers should be allowed to work any time.
Muhammad Yasir Adnan
3:27pm on 5 Jul 19
i have just started my PhD and i feel extra hours will definitely help.
Moeez Masroor Subhani
6:10pm on 8 Jul 19
We definitely need unrestricted access to the University. Being PhD student, we need flexibility in terms of hours so we can work whenever we want. It highly affects the quality of research as different people prefer different times to work. Please provide us 24/7 access to the facilities asap. We have requested so many times but never been granted.
Richard Crossley
10:46am on 13 Jul 19
This is standard practice at every other university when I have spoken to their postgraduate students and staff. I have been trying to sort this for two years when rep with the SU VP of education at URC. I was quoted health and safety regularly, but this was dismissed by the actual health and safety officer at URC when I questioned them about it (obvious as it happens at nearly ever other university). The simple fact is if REF is important to the university then an equal playing field to their piers for postgraduate students is essential. I have shared a link to this poll on twitter and would encourage you to retweet that to reach those who might not check Facebook. As a parent to be it may be something I will need going forward. Also for those who lecture/GTAs (especially with weird lecture hours) it is a massive limitation even in term time and especially in 'Summer hours' where they can focus on work but only 7-7 Mon-Fri in the case of MS (where access to own workspace/labs is critical)
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