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    Bigger busses for all and tracking on the app

    • Buses
    • Travel and Parking
    Hi all, - Bigger busses - The 4a bus from Marketon Park in the morning normally has a good 20-30 people waiting for it, for 9am+ lectures. Number 4a & 6 buses are to small & the busses need to be bigger. Double deckers especially for number 6. - Tracking - Why is the 4a not traceable on the app? So frustrating, the 4 is, so why can't the 4a be. I normally end up ringing up the help line & asking where the bus is, they are able to tell me so why can we not see this? Come'on Derby!
Tamara Roberts
9:18pm on 14 Oct 19 I agree buses need to be more bigger. On the number 6, in the mornings can be very busy, and can have 2 buses drive past as they are full from the train station, and can get full even on Albert Street. Whilst I understand safety measures of the busses, it could do with a few extra buses.
Aimee Frost
9:45pm on 14 Oct 19 Completely agree, the buses are too full! It's dangerous and plenty of buses have to go past full stops as they are rammed and this can make people late for lectures.
Faye Player
10:08pm on 14 Oct 19 I complained about this on my first day as it stresses me out so much. Everyday I come to uni I feel sorry for the people who have there feet trodden on or personal belongings in their face. The buses are dangerous to stand up in and you end up getting shoved and thrown around or falling to the front. So dangerous!!! And it's annoying when they are full and you have to wait around. If they want the university to be car less then they really need to up there game on the public transport front. So bigger buses, more buses on route, better timetables and up to date knowledge of bus stops and where to get off and on and what bus goes where. Lucky no one has been hurt so far.
Courtney Tonks
10:15pm on 14 Oct 19 Agreed. Bold Lane stop is always full of people waiting for 9am lectures. It isn’t usually as bad if you catch it for a 10am lecture. Maybe if they can’t add extra buses or double deckers all day then maybe a start would be to introduce them from like 7:30am-9:30am and then after that back to normal? Not sure what its like for other stops :/
Joanne Easom
4:15pm on 15 Oct 19 The bus is dangerously full at capacity with people standing at the front window. The buses for 9am starts and 3-4pm finishes need to be more frequent
Rebecca Clarke
12:05pm on 18 Oct 19 Totally agree with this, been on the number 6 bus only a couple of times and its always unsafely full
Laura Maher
12:50pm on 24 Oct 19 Thank you so much for this idea! Something to note as this issue was raised at the University last semester - double decker buses can only accommodate approx 7 more people, but have 3 times the loading time of a single bus. Whilst double deckers seem like a good idea, they aren't necessarily the answer. So what is? More single-decker buses, but what about the impact on the environment when Derby already has an air pollution problem? How about alternative schemes - walking buddies, car sharing, bike hire? Or are more double deckers the answer? Let us know your thoughts!!
Sarah Cooke
12:55pm on 24 Oct 19 Thank you for your comments Laura. Lets not forget there are many points to the idea and not just the double decker. 4a- Bigger buses are needed for this and a tracker added so students can track this on the app. In regards to the Number 6, yes it may be more air pollution however the current buses are un safe so is it the suggestion of unsafe buses stay as they are and potential accidents or more buses being used and we try and cut back polution in other ways. Such as more frequent amount of buses in the morning 8-10am and then scarse through out the day until the evening times again. There must be a risk assessment somewhere for busses that needs re-evaluating due to the change in times.
Harriet Maccullock
1:01am on 30 Oct 19 I understand the impact upon the environment, however, it is a serious hazard that puts students in danger as well as putting some students off getting the bus at particular times. As someone who suffers from anxiety the thought of getting on the bus for a 9am is something I dread. and not everyone can walk to university for example if they have a physical disability. Furthermore, in cold and wet winter months it is not good it means students are more likely to get ill and miss more lectures by making cold/flu symptoms worse by walking to university.
Sian Watson
6:09pm on 12 Nov 19 What if the no. 7 started running earlier? I walk up to uni on dry days but dislike sitting in wet clothes, reading wet books so try to avoid walking in the rain. Also, I’m not keen on walking after dark. Car share would just lead to parking problems.
Dave Lochtie
5:39pm on 3 Feb 20 Just to update VP Education Mel Welaratne has been working with the university on busses and un update is due shortly.