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'Safety net policy' Re: Covid -19
5 years ago
Gabriella Naitta
Assignments and Exams
A safety net policy which will ensure all work throughout a students time at the university will be averaged and taken into consideration whilst judging and marking work completed during the pandemic. See example from Exeter university https://www.exeter.ac.uk/coronavirus/students/
Maimie Simpson
6:08pm on 28 Mar 20
I feel this will support the people who are struggling to understand the world around us at the minute. Regardless of the level of work you are submitting it is a lot to deal with and with other universities supplying this type of support Derby university should do also
Gabriella Naitta
6:11pm on 28 Mar 20
This would be a great reliever of stress for myself and for many students who are struggling to cope with corona virus related thoughts, worries and issues alongside their studies. I think would be a big help for the mental well-being of all students.
Annie Murton
7:25pm on 28 Mar 20
Absolutely agree this sounds like a fantastic idea! The stress that these unprecedented times has caused has been enormous.
Beth Elliott
7:54pm on 28 Mar 20
An absolute necessity for Derby to step up as other universities are doing.
Caitlin Skevington
8:07pm on 28 Mar 20
There are many that are struggling to motivate and those with mental health issues are especially struggling as well as people who may not have experienced this kind of anxiety before. Also there are people who are having to home school and there are lots of other factors to take in to consideration. Nothing is normal and although people are trying their best it is unlikely to be up to usual standard
Sarah Marrow
8:15pm on 28 Mar 20
I think this would be massively beneficial! Especially for all the 3rd year students trying to finish final year projects with next to no resources. Trying to finish dissertations with limited access to books and proper study rooms is horrendous and the anxiety surrounding final degree grades is insane. I’m not coping well at all, it feels like we’ve been completely forgotten in all of this. Some reassurance that assignments will be marked accordingly rather than to original mark schemes as the circumstances are now completely different. We shouldn’t be left in such a limbo. Something needs to be done for us, it’s beyond a joke.
Jack Spiller
9:36pm on 28 Mar 20
This is completely needed with everything happening if the teaching isn’t at the same standard the results won’t be too
Jessica Brent
10:22pm on 28 Mar 20
Completely agree think this is a great idea! Lots of people are dealing with difficult situations and struggle with having a good study environment at home as well as lower mental health as a result of this stressful time and also less resources due to library and all uni spaces needing to be closed.
Lara Mark
10:36pm on 28 Mar 20
I think that even just having the reassurance of this idea would encourage students to produce their best work. At such a time of uncertainty and fear we don’t also need the fear of failing the year or getting a grade that’s not representative of the effort and focus that’s gone into our work. This idea will not only encourage hard work but will help to refocus students and help their wellbeing by giving them one less big thing to worry about
Stephanie Baxter
8:58pm on 29 Mar 20
Due to the current situation I am struggling to find the time to do anything Uni related. My anxiety is up because I'm a hard-working student and now my time is extremely limited and I can not see how I am going to be able to fit it all in and work on my assessments. It has nothing to do with organisation or time management. I'm doing my best to balance everything, to stay safe, and keep others safe, etc but I can only juggle so much, and unfortunately Uni work is the lowest on the priorities list, but that is causing me great upset knowing that I can't do much to change that at this time.
Billah Binning
9:29am on 30 Mar 20
Sounds like a good plan
Dave Lochtie
12:28pm on 30 Mar 20
Just to let you know this idea has now reached the 25 votes needed to be considered at the next Union Executive Meeting . We will update soon as soon as possible.
Harry Bellis
6:23pm on 30 Mar 20
Please bear in mind the vote figure here is not alone, with thousands of students voicing their concerns here too: [https://www.change.org/p/university-of-derby-no-detriment-policy-for-university-of-derby-assessments]. Likewise, it appears the concerns of students is not only specific to Derby University, but across the whole nation too (Other popular petitions exist for many different Universities if you search the same website).
Daniella Quill
12:46pm on 31 Mar 20
Thank you for your idea and thank you to every single person who has engaged with it, to surpass the threshold of 25 by 50! #PowerOfStudentVoice The University are aware of the petition for a No Detriment Policy (safety net) to be implanted, through the Contingency Assessments Planning, which is a working group that has set up in response to the Covid-19 outbreak. As your Union President, I sit on the working group and I'm working hard to ensure University of Derby’s student’s academic interests are being represented. Student feedback is crucial at this unprecedented time and we will ensure that the Union is doing their best so students feel supported. We will make sure any communications that the University have in response to the outbreak, including the petition, will be communicated clearly and effectively to students once a decision has been made. Which I anticipate will be today!! May I also recommend that if anyone needs any advice and guidance during this time, you can visit our advice service. You can book an appointment at www.derbyunion.co.uk/advice Ensure you keep an eye on your emails over the course of today for updates!
Daniella Quill
4:05pm on 31 Mar 20
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