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Increased outside seating areas across Kedleston Road Campus
4 years ago
Katie Glover
Food and Drink
Environment and Sustainability
University Sites and Campuses
Due to the COVID-19 pandemic, the importance of outside spaces has increased. A greater number of people have found enjoyment in outside spaces/being close to nature, both shown to improve wellbeing & health. With increased numbers of students, existing outdoor seated spaces are not sufficient. If seating was increased, students could use these areas during lunch & at other times - acting as an overspill for the atrium when busy. These areas could act as 'escape' areas for overwhelmed students
Lydia Strickler
10:15am on 26 Apr 21
This idea could be used across all sites. I think now more than ever its important to have space outside to sit and have lunch or as stated above "escape".
Tamara Roberts
10:10am on 11 May 21
This is a brill idea. Some seating towards the bee hives would be brill as there has been some wildflower seeds planted down there
Vivienne Redfern
9:53am on 17 May 21
Love the idea of escape areas for students feeling overwhelmed! As recent research shows the impact of the pandemic has negatively affected young people's mental health (Pineault, 2021; talks about psychological distress on our non-hearing community in the pandemic, and UoD strives to be inclusive to all) This additional seating could also help students not wanting to be in such a public arena as the atrium during an anxiety attack, they can get outdoors, be able to sit down and practice calm breathing techniques when it looks like you are just taking in the day. Fantastic idea. Brilliant.
Laura Maher
3:10pm on 18 May 21
Thank you so much for submitting this idea! As this idea has now reached over the 25-vote threshold and fulfils the necessary criteria, it will proceed to Summit. Summit is a Union meeting open to all students where Ideas from our Ideas Forum which have reached over 25 up-votes are voted on a final time. During the meeting the participants discuss decisions that need to be made and ultimately make a vote on it. If an idea is passed at Summit, the Union is bound to try to action it for three years - so let's make sure we're spending the time, resources, and tuition fees working to make the changes that you want. Come along and vote and engage in healthy debate over what you want to happen and ensure we are making best use of our time to reflect Student demand. Try to get as many other people to come along too! It may not be too late to get other ideas over the threshold and voted on at Summit - if you visit the Ideas Forum add an idea/vote on existing ideas and encourage your peers to do the same. Student Summitt will take place on Wednesday 26th May 1-3pm, online via blackboard collaborate, please be prepared to share your student ID upon request to confirm identity. If you cannot attend you can still comment on the original idea linked to above. These are huge changes to your university life, so the more people we can get to come and vote, the better! The event is being held on Weds 26th May, 1-3pm online. Please check this event link for further details https://www.derbyunion.co.uk/ents/event/2879/
Dave Lochtie
1:26pm on 26 May 21
This item is being voted upon in SUmmit in the next hour... but we are not quorate to implement it. If you are free please join - https://ca.bbcollab.com/guest/a2850d56bbb248db867b66ada3b32c77
Laura Maher
3:22pm on 9 Jun 21
Hello everyone and thank you for your idea, votes and comments! As stated above this idea went to our Student Summit on 26th May. Unfortunately, we didn't have enough student attendance to by quorate which means we couldn't vote in a binding way. We did have some great discussions around the idea however with a lot of support for more seating, potentially at more than just Kedleston Road. Due to us not having enough students to make a binding vote, we will be taking this item to the next summit in the Autumn term to be voted on when we have a qualifying number of students. If you are graduating this year and would still like your opinion heard on this item, please comment below with anything you would like us to share on your behalf.
Dave Lochtie
8:46am on 19 Jun 21
Just to update that the university estates team have confirmed this has been factored in to their budgeting.
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