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U2 bus changes
4 years ago
by Anonymous
Transport and Parking
as someone who get the U1 bus from the train station. the U1 is almost completely full by the time it gets to cathedral court. the changes made to the U2 bus are not going to change anything. it is the U1 bus that needs putting to a more regular service at all times of the day not just in the morning. it is absoluetly ridiculous that we are crammed on to the U1 from the university. the bus isnt empty until it gets to the bus station. there needs to be a seperate bus like the 7 like last yr
Fay Turner-Paxton
2:32am on 9 Oct 21
The reduced service to both the U1 during the day and the U2 no longer servicing Britannia Mill during the day now in the new changes completely excludes disabled students who rely on the buses. 6 minutes (the walk from the bus stop to Brit Mill) may not be much for alot of people but those of us with disabilities may struggle with that on a bad day, the new changes have meant the options are either struggle on overcrowded buses where we can't sit down (not good for those that can't stand for long), walk when we may not be able to on some days or pay extra for a taxi from town instead which isn't helpful financially. The uni really should be doing better for people with disabilities and long term conditions of any kind who can feel they have barriers to learning already.
Amanda Payne
11:20am on 13 Oct 21
what about those travelling to and from Brit mill?
Aleigha General
1:01pm on 15 Oct 21
I live at St. Christopher's Court and take my classes at One Friar Gate Square, which is about a ten-minute walk. That isn't an issue on a perfectly sunny and dry Monday morning but I can't help but think what I would do if it started pouring either before or during my commute; I'd be exposed to the elements and potentially risk the integrity of my school supplies. The U1 bus is supposed to be my way to get to Friar Gate but with the only stop being halfway to Friar Gate it often doesn't make much sense to try and catch it from there. When attempting to make it to my first class of the semester, I observed the bus timetable and route map and decided to take the U2 all the way up to Kedleston Road because there were no intersecting stops where I could get the U1 according to the bus driver. I then proceeded to wait on the U1 for almost an hour, within which not one but two U1 busses arrived and were marked "out of service", effectively making me twenty minutes late for said class. The map of the U1 and U2 bus routes shows an intersection of bus stops between the U1 and U2 but when I asked about this stop, I was told the only place I could get off was the main Kedleston Road campus. Because of this setback, I ended up having to take the U2 back down to my normal bus stop and walking the ten minutes anyway. As I stated earlier, this is not a sustainable solution because I (like other university students) have classes and clubs that run later into the evening, and waiting on a dark street corner for a bus that may or may not come is neither, safe nor efficient. This should be particularly concerning with the knife-crime rate in the UK currently and all of the female victims we've seen be taken advantage of over the past few weeks alone. I am a first-year student and therefore, do not have access to a car, I barely know my way around the city and I have very few friends with whom I can make long commutes, leaving me essentially alone. I desperately want to get involved with different sports clubs and societies at UoD but if that means becoming stranded at a campus at 10 o'clock at night then I will have to pass. Please fix this issue urgently. A continuous bus schedule that runs all day, through all campuses or sites might be worth exploring.
Suzy Stevenson
3:47pm on 3 Nov 21
Comment from anonymous student submitted as a repeat idea: Can we have the buses changed to every 12 mins again because they’re still full and overcrowded, today the bus times were all over the place one didn’t turn up at 12 mins past the a u2 showed up at half past which was full and the 20 to 1 bus showed up at 10 to 1 and was full this needs sorting I can guarantee a lot of people are having the same issue with the buses
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