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Introduce RADAR key locks for accessible toilets
2 years ago
by Anonymous
An excessive amount of people are currently using the accessible toilets on campus. As someone with an invisible disability, I understand that it might not always be obvious why someone needs to access those toilets. Still, I feel that introducing RADAR locks would minimise use by people who do not require them. Genuine users can carry a key to uni with them, and I am sure it would be appreciated if it meant being able to access toilets quickly.
Tracey Taylor
12:37pm on 14 Sep 23
As a person with a bowel condition myself, a mother to a daughter with a disability and friend to many who have a range of disabilities I have down voted this....why? Because Radar keys are not that easy to obtain for some people and when they do eventually obtain one they have to wait for it to be delivered or like any other human being they often forget important things when they leave their homes. They are called "accessible" toilets for a reason... they are supposed to be easily accessible. When you take away a person's ability to access those facilities freely, they become unaccessible. It's unfair that accessible facilities are very limited anyway and it's uncomfortable and frustrating when someone is made to wait when those facilities are occupied. But let's not make those facilities even more limited. You obviously didn't have much faith in this idea as you have decided to remain anonymous, if you have an idea and truly believe it is a worthwhile cause and you want support for your idea you need to stand up and own it and fight for it openly. I am usually a supportive person but on this occasion I don't feel I can support this idea. However, I would like to see an increase in accessible facilities around the university and would offer my support for that.
David Mulgrew
5:32pm on 19 Sep 23
I have a visible and an invisible disability, I don't even own one of those radar keys. I have enough trouble carrying around all the stuff I need without adding extra to it. This would be a needless pain in the backside. How do you know that the people using the toilets don't also have an invisible disability? Sure sometimes someone uses the disabled toilets because they are closer and they cant be bothered, but that's just the reality with public toilets. Accessible toilets means easier to access, it does not mean always available.
Rhian Finch
11:04pm on 19 Sep 23
Accessible toilets should NOT be made less accessible, and that is what keys will do. Bad decision.
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