Expired Ideas

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  • -3 score
    19 voters

    Cold classrooms

    • University Sites and Campuses
    Everyone is sitting in coats and jackets, very uncomfortable during lectures.
Dom White
4:22pm on 22 Apr 24 Thank you for raising this for students to vote upon, keeping our campus a warm and welcoming place is key to making students feel a sense of community and belonging, I will speak with my Officer team about how we can work with the university on warm spaces for students and make sure classrooms are warm for when students are in studies.
Gregg Szirbuly
6:44pm on 3 May 24 If anything they are way too warm but you always have one person who'd freeze to death in an oven. You can put a jumper on but if I take my T-shirt and trousers off to acclimate myself I don't think that's going to get a good reaction.
David Mulgrew
12:27pm on 14 May 24 Raised this at repcon last year. MS125 is always boiling, so much so its difficult to focus, but MS214 the computer lab is freezing and the AC is running constantly. We are paying money to make people more uncomfortable.