Expired Ideas

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  • -5 score
    7 voters

    Later start times

    • Environment and Sustainability
    • Accessibility
    • Transport and Parking
    What is the benefit of starting at 9-9:30? These are peak-traffic times. Students and staff may also be doing school runs, etc. We are also putting additional pressure on the general traffic by commuting in these times making other people's commuting more difficult. But it's not only a convenience and practicality concern, but by putting pressure on the traffic in the morning, leading to long vehicle queues will lead to additional pollution of the environment.
David Mulgrew
12:23pm on 14 May 24 How would you feel about starting at 8am, that's when I arrive on site most days and traffic is minimal that early. That's with a commute from Swad Leaving at 7:20 While there are lots of edge cases and exceptions, however peak time is not arbitrary, its the time that works for the most number of people.