Expired Ideas

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  • 13 score
    15 voters

    Create a Blends App

    • Facilities
    • Resources
    • Food and Drink
    • Environment and Sustainability
    • Blends
    • Union Shops
    • University Sites and Campuses
    I would love to see a Blends app. We are always given the loyalty stamp cards to collect and redeem for free drinks. But I constantly loose these and then I end up with lots of different cards with 1 or 2 stamps on. Creating a blends app would allow the coffee shop to provide a paperless loyalty scheme which would reduce waste, whilst also an additional platform for advertising the seasonal specials, discount codes or events.
Darren Cassidy
10:27pm on 13 Nov 24 Would be helpful, I too have a few cards now and I forget mine. It would be more sustainable for the environment sake also. I would love to see this done sometime.
Connor Hearn
2:23pm on 1 Dec 24 This sounds like a fun project to work on, as a computer science student. However, it would be at risk of becoming like other loyalty schemes. User data would be collected and this can put people off. Also, a lot of the population aren't keen on having to use an app just to get money off. This is evident in supermarket loyalty schemes when customers share the frustration when their app doesn't load. A mitigation of this issue would be to link a bank card to the loyalty scheme, so that each time you pay, loyalty stamps are automatically added onto the app. We'd also need to analyse whether this project is even worth the cost. App development comes at a cost, and it wouldn't necessarily be more sustainable than a small bit of paper.
Sebastian Caisley
10:33pm on 2 Mar 25 This is a great idea, unfortunately I will have to down vote it