Successful Ideas

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  • 30 score
    38 voters

    Free printing

      Everyone should get a print balance at the start of each semester e.g everyone starts with 50p free and after that you have to start paying like normal
    Catherine Starr
    12:43pm on 27 Jan 16 At college we had £2 at the start of each semester. It is 1p per sheet for b/w and 2p for colour. I thought this was a good system, especially as we pay so much for fees and are required to print workbooks for certain modules.
    Chris Batten
    1:49pm on 27 Jan 16 If the University was to provide this to each student, it would cost around £28 000 per year - a small amount of money in to a £150 million pound institution. I feel it would genuinely help a number of students studying on a variety of courses and it would make things just that little bit easier for so many students that rely on printing.
    Serena Dowley
    1:36pm on 28 Jan 16 If printing is made necessary to a course it's only fair to give student a decent start of free credit because otherwise their motivation and dedication to the course will be dependent on a financial system that's out of their control.
    Stephanie Starkey
    7:44pm on 7 Mar 16 I think we should be given a printing credit amount at the start of each semester and once it's been used up you have to pay yourself until it renews the next semester, makes it fair. Also I think it would be a good insentive that for those who have 99-100% attendance or along those lines, for the semester, should get a bonus of printing credit.