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More Uni buses
8 years ago
Sukhjeen Kaur Randhawa
The Zone
Many uni buses can arrive late or not have enough room on the bus to stop at all stops before Ked rd. I would like to see more buses or bigger buses on the busier bus routes (Such as bus no. 6)
Aidan Howard
12:30pm on 2 Oct 17
Perhaps look into making both 5 and 6 go into city centre as well?
Brittany James
1:07pm on 2 Oct 17
Or buses running later and more consistently during the evenings too? would be handy for late lectures and societies as well as student safety at night
Blee Carswell
2:40pm on 2 Oct 17
The uni buses seem to be a victim of their own success. Service 6 is vital for me getting to uni as I commute to derby via train. I find that when traveling to uni from the station the bus is often full before it gets to the halls. Getting back from the uni can be frustrating as there is often more people in the queue than the bus can take. I know the number of people going to the station isn't massive but a peak times in the afternoon maybe a small shuttle bus would be a good idea? Without sounding selfish I feel that people who want to get to the station can't be expected to walk as its about an hour by foot. Either that or bigger/more frequent buses would work to keep the queues down; therefore allowing easier access for everyone.
Emily Webb
3:08pm on 2 Oct 17
I would love it if buses ran via markeaton street from town!
David Taylor
3:21pm on 2 Oct 17
Most Mornings at least one if not two full buses pass me, we certainly need more buses
Sadie James
6:39pm on 2 Oct 17
If the morning buses and late evening ones were double deckers it would solve a lot of issues. I've only been able to get about 2 morning buses from my halls out of 13 mornings and i'm not looking forward to walking when it gets colder or even in the snow.
Aishah Rao
7:42pm on 2 Oct 17
Perhaps having more buses operating between 7:05pm,8:05pm and 9:05pm for those who have lectures late in the evening?
Becca Ward
10:58am on 3 Oct 17
I’d love a Uni bus going through Mackworth estate. I have quite a walk to the closest stop at Markeaton Park. Not the best for early starting lectures or late evening finishes.
Crystal Fletcher
12:40pm on 3 Oct 17
The uni buses of a morning are almost impossible to get on. Numerous times in the past I've had the no.6 drive past the bus stop in town as it's already full from leaving the station - even if there is a little room when it goes through town, by the time it makes it to halls none of the students stand a chance of getting on. I've skipped lectures before due to all the buses being full, I've given up waiting and just gone back to bed. I 100% support this idea, more uni buses (particularly the 5 and 6) are needed for early lectures.
Charlotte Robson
3:58pm on 3 Oct 17
Maybe add more 7's in the morning to help with the flow of traffic from the halls around Princess Alice, and a timetable for the 7 buses in the unibus app, because there isn't one at the moment.
Jake Mander
9:12pm on 4 Oct 17
I've always thought that big cities should start implementing Santander Bikes (Or Boris Bikes as they've become more affectionately known) like they do down in London. Doing so takes a bit of strain off the bus services, it's green and it keeps you fit. You could use your ID card to withdraw a bike. There'd be stalls across each campus and halls of residence. When you were finished, you'd scan your card and lock it back in to the stall you travelled to. Obviously the bike would track who was riding and apply fines for any damages/cycling too far from the uni. Cost wise, you could top up an account on the uni website which would have fees taken from when your card was swiped or you could pay like a £60 yearly fee for unlimited access. It'd take a bit of work but I think it could give people an alternative to cramped busses and walking!
Hannah Townsend
3:32pm on 8 Oct 17
Free unibuses for all staff and students is all well and good, but the service needs to be able to support this. The 6 is filled by the commuting students from the train station each morning, meaning that by the time it gets into town and to the first halls of residence, it can't fit anyone on, its driven past me on numerous occasions, last week I left my flat at 8.15, walked the 3minute walk to the bus stop and had 2 full buses drive past, finally making it to my lecture at 9.20am! Walking was not an option. There should be a station only bus, along with the original 6s to prevent the bus driving past students further along the route. The buses have been an issue in all 3 years, always late, driving past, the app not working properly, and bus times not being suitable for late lecture / sport training finishing times. Lecture ending at 8pm, bus at 8.05pm and not another for an hour. I support this idea, because I hope the service is improved in the near future
Natasha Johnson
3:52pm on 9 Oct 17
For me the uni bus isn't a problem as I get on at Lonsdale hall so I'm one of the first stops for number 5, however the buses always seem to be over packed and are a cause for concern health and safety wise. A double decker bus or having a bus every 15 minute would help to combat the problem in mornings and evening.
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