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  • 53 score
    53 voters

    Student Union Finance

    • Local
    • Union of Students
    As anyone who has ever dealt with the union's finance system will be well aware, it is less than effective, the delays and the distinct lack of a common sense system - provide for a difficult circumstance. Solution: Buy a MSL module so that society and club finance can be streamlined to save staff time and be a more up to date system that will bring the union in line with it competitors and not stuck in the 80’s with a system that just wastes everyone's time.
Martin Church
1:10pm on 9 Oct 17 If you think it makes sense to change it Philip, I'm sure you're right and have voted up your idea :-)
Jacob Blatherwick
1:23pm on 9 Oct 17 As someone who works constantly on both sides of the system both putting in requests as a committee member and then also as a member of staff keeping the books for all societies, I think this system would vastly improve accuracy and the time taken to deal with requests. Got my vote!
Barrie Archer
1:31pm on 9 Oct 17 Makes sense to me.
Kelly-Hellen Hitchcock
2:03pm on 9 Oct 17 Couldn't agree more. Why does it have to be so slow and complicated. This is a great idea and needs looking into for sure
Marie Obirigya
11:10am on 12 Oct 17 I agree it seems like it would greatly improve the current system. So there's less hassle with getting finance through to pay external people.