Successful Ideas

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  • 31 score
    31 voters

    Hoodies // course clothing

    • Opportunities
    • Resources
    • Studies
    • Representation
    I've seen some courses that have clothing to represent their course/class, but many don't! I'd love for this to be open to every student who wants one for their course.
Jade Nixon
2:18pm on 7 Oct 19 This is a great idea!
Nicole Hawes
9:21am on 8 Oct 19 You can get your hoodies and jumpers personalised for £5 :)
Samuel Haddock
9:52am on 10 Oct 19 I think this a great idea to help people feel proud of their course.
Melanie Welaratne
2:33pm on 25 Oct 19 Hello! When you order union clothing online you can customize it for a small added price. You could put your name or your course on it too!
Laura Maher
10:25am on 15 Nov 19 Thank you so much for this idea! As the option to have customised course clothing is already available, this idea is considered complete! We will therefore archive this post in 3 working days. Please continue to use the Ideas Forum for any ideas that you have, we look forward to seeing them!!