Successful Ideas

These are all the ideas, from both the HE and FE ideas forum, that have been acted upon so far.

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  • 29 score
    29 voters

    A wellbeing room/adviser in every campus and halls

    • Wellbeing
    • Facilities
    • Opportunities
    • Resources
    • University Sites
    • Accessibility
    • Representation
    I feel the students would benefit if there was a wellbeing person/team at all times in every campus and in halls this way there would be someone to see instantly if a need occurs.
Jade Nixon
2:08pm on 7 Oct 19 This is a great idea, maybe having a quiet area in every halls and campus to chat to a member of staff?
Fred Gough
5:52pm on 7 Oct 19 Another great idea Annaline. I hope to see wellbeing being made throughout the whole university. Good luck with this!
Matthew Ledoux-Deakin
10:20pm on 8 Oct 19 It’s so easy to look past invisible illnesses , these would be a great way of keeping the profile high and support high too
Katie Glover
8:33am on 10 Oct 19 Definately a good idea. Also having a quiet area in halls or campus. There's not much space in the red zone in the library and the noise from the Amber and Green Zones make it really loud at times - especially if you need a quiet space to chill for a bit.
Rebecca Clarke
12:09pm on 18 Oct 19 Agree with this, I struggle with long term mental health problems and had to stop going to my wellbeing meetings as the travel & extra time it took to get to it from my campus made me more stressed than it was worth.
Laura Maher
8:56am on 28 Nov 19 Yesterday this idea was taken to Student Summit and voted on by over 100 students. I am very pleased to say that your idea was passed, with 58 students voting for this idea. Congratulations!!! What this means is that we, the Union of Students, will attempt to action this idea as soon as possible for the remainder of this academic year and a further 3 years. Whilst this doesn’t mean the idea will necessarily become a reality, it means we will do our best to make it happen over this time period, encouraging the University to take action on your idea to make it a reality. We will post updates on our website and our full time officers will give updates at our Scrutiny Panels (which happen 6 times per year – check out our Facebook events to see when the next panel you can attend is.) If you have any questions about any part of this, please contact me at and thank you again for using your voice to make a change and allowing the Union to represent your interests.