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  • 35 score
    35 voters

    More Microwave Facilities

    • Facilities
    • Food and Drink
    There should be multiple microwaves on each site, near the dining facilities. This allows students to bring in their own lunches.
Maisie Lodge
9:32am on 19 Oct 19 Agreed. I've been put off by the queue I've seen for the microwave at Ked Road during that busy lunch time period!!
Sylvie Clark
5:40pm on 6 Nov 19 Multiple microwaves would be a lot better. The queue gets horrendous.
Dave Lochtie
6:40pm on 22 Jan 20 From Mel, Vice President Education - "Hello! the officer team at the union have brought up that there is a high student demand for another microwave to regular estates meetings and we are definitely working towards pushing for a second location." There is a second ideas forum ides for this - This idea will be arhcived and updates will be made ot that one.