Unsuccessful Ideas

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  • 30 score
    30 voters

    Uni Bus 5 and 6

      · Buses not running at 10 pm and students standing for too long, waiting over an hour for the bus to arrive and therefore missing trains · Standing at awkward bus stops in the dark, and female students feel unsafe Possible actions? · Better regulation of buses and for drivers to keep time · Better bus stops positioned in well-lit places · Bus times to be revised for after 6 pm
    Kirsty Patrick
    12:39pm on 5 Jan 18 I agree, especially if buses are running late. Maybe better lighting, and an electronic notice board at Ked road stop to actually apologise and give reason when buses are an hour late?
    Philippa White
    8:44am on 22 Mar 18 I find that the buses are so irregular that I don't plan what time to get to the stop for, I just leave the second I'm ready because they can be so early or late sometimes. Also I feel that the buses are packed enough as they are from students all travelling at the same time and yet they still let members of public ride the bus even though there are plenty of other buses that run in Derby.
    Dave Lochtie
    8:12pm on 22 Jan 20 The union worked with the university, they conducted a review and the details were published (https://www.derbyunion.co.uk/news/article/voice/Transport-Update/). The union worked with the university, they conducted a review and the details were published (https://www.derbyunion.co.uk/news/article/voice/Transport-Update/). A Transport survey is happening now.