Unsuccessful Ideas

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  • 11 score
    13 voters

    Yearbook for Psychology Students (level 6, yr3)

      We're already in the last year of our degree! We arrived as strangers & shall leave as friends! We're introducing a yearbook as a memento of friends we've made in this chapter of our lives! We've received requests for this from several peers & would love to know how many of you are interested. We have received funding, now making the yearbook FREE for the entire year group! This is open to SHS & JHS students. Please up-vote to show your support. Reps:)
    Crystal Fletcher
    12:07pm on 2 Feb 18 We're planning on using Yearbook Machine for the book design - check out their website https://yearbook.com Feel free to email us (your reps) if you have any questions or want more info regarding this :) For single honours; - Katherine; k.fitzakerley1@unimail.derby.ac.uk - Jack Purves; j.purves1@unimail.derby.ac.uk For Joint Honours and combined courses: - Crystal Fletcher; c.fletcher11@unimail.derby.ac.uk
    Kevin Silber
    2:18am on 19 Feb 18 What an excellent idea!