Unsuccessful Ideas

These are ideas that have reached the voting threshold but have been turned down by Exec or Summit.

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  • 2 score
    2 voters

    Uni buses

    • Education
    • Transport and Parking
    The bus is too crowed and sometimes if it’s full the bus doesn’t let u on meaning that your missing out on lesson or late due to the buses coming every half hour, also speaking as a pregnant lady I can’t get a seat at all and students are all standing up being pushed together against other student which is dangerous because If I get knocked about or injured it wouldn’t be good, it’s gotten that bad that people can’t get off at the right stop due to being so crowded.
Suzy Stevenson
12:33pm on 4 Oct 21 This is a repeat idea. As such your post has been added to the existing idea to ensure your voice is heard. Please ensure you vote on the existing idea and add comments as you see fit: https://www.derbyunion.co.uk/change/ideas/?idea=654#idea654