Contact Me

As your elected Officer Trustee I'm always happy to talk to students and help out where I can.

Dominic White

Union President

Hi everyone, my name is Dominic White! I did an FE Access course in Social Sciences and then went on to do my HE degree in History here at Derby before I was elected as Vice President (Activities) and then as Union President.

During my time at the University of Derby, I learnt many skills that I felt would enable me to do my absolute best. So… where do I start… I started off as a FE course rep! I was then elected by my cohort to serve again as a HE rep, the course rep role I would serve in for all four of my years here at Derby. During my time in this role, I helped represent student views and interests, partake in student events, and essentially make sure that we presented student interests to the course leadership and pushed for change on the grassroots level.

Because of this amazing experience I decided to run in the elections and was elected to the role for the Student Officer for Humanities and Journalism, a role I held for over a year. Even though I have had an extremely difficult time due to Covid-19 I had still, as a Student Officer, had some great virtual events that pushed for better representation across the entire college of Art, Humanities and Education with some great successes from my huge team of student reps! I was very fortunate to hold multiple positions at the same time, as such I have served as Rounders Treasurer and President, Treasurer of Trampolining, Men’s Basketball, and History Society as well as Sports Councilor for two elected terms and a term as a Societies Councilor too!

If you cannot tell already, I have very happily given a large part of my student life in service of you the students and will always continue to do so! My years at Derby have consistently through good times and bad, been my happiest and I would always push for all students, whether you're on a FE or HE course, to get involved with the Union and to push for the changes you want to see.

Officer News

Your Officers
A year in review

Fri 05 Jul 2024

Reflecting on the past year, my efforts have been many-sided, aiming to provide better facilities, improve the experience for students, create more quiet spaces, offer more cost-of-living support, increase accessibility and inclusion, and strengthen Union presence across campuses.

Your Officers
Reflecting on the past years' achievements

Thu 04 Jul 2024

This year as Vice President (Activities) I focused on three manifesto points, providing greater support and opportunities, to increase accessibility and inclusivity of the activities offer and to increase social media presence to all sports, societies and student led services.

Your Officers
Financial Hardship Extension Update

Wed 03 Jul 2024

I am excited to announce that the University of Derby Academic Board has unanimously approved our new regulations amendment to address student financial hardship.

Your Officers
Euros 2024 calming techniques

Wed 03 Jul 2024

A photo taken from behind of someone watching a football match in a pub.

VP (Welfare) here to give some tips for calming techniques for the 2024 Euros.

Your Officers
End of year achievements

Wed 03 Jul 2024

It’s been a phenomenal year working to represent and improve your student experience. And after being re-elected, I’m looking forward to continuing the work I’ve been doing.

Your Officers
Vice President (Education) 2023/24 over and out!

Tue 02 Jul 2024

Check out all of the amazing things I achieved last academic year...

Your Officers
Student Financial Hardship Update

Thu 13 Jun 2024

A red neon light fixture reading 'change'

As Union President, I am very proud and excited to announce that the University Regulatory Framework Committee has approved my regulations amendment to address student financial hardship, with changes set to take effect from the 2024/25 academic year.

Your Officers
Why We, as Students and Young People, Should VOTE!

Thu 06 Jun 2024

A hand holding a folded piece of paper, putting it into a ballot box.

Voting is a fundamental right and a powerful tool for shaping our future. Yet, many of us, particularly students, often exhibit lower voter turnout compared to other age groups.

Your Officers
Your thoughts, our actions on sustainability

Tue 30 Apr 2024

VP (Welfare) here to talk about responsible futures, sustainability and the actions we have taken to better incentivise sustainability.

Your Officers
Statement from VP (Welfare) on AFAF

Wed 24 Apr 2024

Jack Mcguinness

A statement outlining the event being held by AFAF, why the University are allowing it to go ahead, and the support the Union and University provides.

Your Officers
Student Safety Updates

Thu 21 Mar 2024

Jack McGuinness at a Union stall

Hi everyone! Jack McGuinness, your Vice President (Welfare), here to give some updates on the work I’ve been doing around student safety and the plans I'm putting in place to improve student safety here in Derby.

Your Officers
VP (Welfare) February Update

Fri 15 Mar 2024

Jack McGuinness

An update from the Vice President (Welfare), Jack McGuinness, on student safety, the community pantry and more.

Your Officers
VP (Welfare) February update

Mon 04 Mar 2024

Vice President (Welfare) Jack McGuinness talking to a student at freshers' fair.

VP (Welfare) Jack McGuinness here to give you some updates on the work that's been going on!

Your Officers
The History of LGBT+ Rights in the UK

Wed 14 Feb 2024

An image of a gay rights movement march in Birmingham circa 1975.

The history of LGBT+ rights in the UK, shown through significant milestones and progress points.

Your Officers
5 Reasons to Run in the Elections

Mon 12 Feb 2024

Union President Dominic White smiling at the camera at Election Results night 2023

The Union elections are an amazing opportunity to use your voice and enact change within the Union and the University, so I wanted to share my top 5 reasons for why YOU should nominate yourself in the current Union elections.


Manifesto Pledges

During my time in office I pledge to:


Some of the campaigns I have been/will be working on this year.


Scrutiny Reports

My reports from Scrutiny Panel and AGMs.