Elections Events

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Forthcoming Events

Thu 13th March

Elections drop-in session with VP (Welfare) Jack McGuinness
11:30am - 1pm
Come chat to VP (Welfare) Jack McGuinness about all things Elections!

Mon 17th March

Elections drop-in session with VP (Welfare) Jack McGuinness
11:30am - 12:30pm
Come chat to VP (Welfare) Jack McGuinness about all things Elections!

Thu 20th March

Elections drop-in session with Union President Holly Lloyd
11:30am - 12:30pm
Come chat to Union President Holly Lloyd about all things Elections!

Thu 3rd April

Students playing on a giant inflatable basketball game in the Atrium. Fayre & Democratic
10am - 3pm
Atrium, Kedleston Road
An exclusive fair for anyone and everyone who has voted in the Elections!
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