Houses of Parliament

General Election

With the General Election coming up, we want to ensure that our students are well informed and feel confident using their voice to take part in national democracy. We've put together some handy information and resources that will tell you everything you need to know about the whole elections process, from checking your eligibility all the way through to casting your vote. The student voice is massively important in ensuring that young people are represented and can have a say in issues that are crucial to them, such as education and housing. Now is the time to empower your voice and get involved.

Election Timeline

  • General Election Called

    The current Prime Minister announced that a General Election will take place on the 4th July.

  • Voter Registration Deadline

    In order to be able to vote you must have registered by this date.

  • Postal Vote deadline (to apply)

    If you would like to vote by post, you must apply for Postal Voting by this date.

  • Proxy Vote Deadline (to apply)

    If you would like someone you trust to cast your vote on your behalf, you must apply for Proxy Voting by this date.

  • Election Day

    This is the date you can vote in person, and when the winners will be elected.

General Election Events

Your Officers
Why We, as Students and Young People, Should VOTE!

Thu 06 Jun 2024

A hand holding a folded piece of paper, putting it into a ballot box.

Voting is a fundamental right and a powerful tool for shaping our future. Yet, many of us, particularly students, often exhibit lower voter turnout compared to other age groups.


With the General Election approaching (July 4th), we thought we’d answer some frequently asked questions so you can be as clued up as possible before the big day.

What is a General Election?

A General Election is where people in the UK are able to vote to choose their next MP, who will represent a local area in the House of Commons for up to five years. Some of the candidates will represent national political parties, and some may be independent. The candidate that receives the most votes becomes the MP and gains a ‘seat’ in the House of Commons, and then the party with the most seats becomes the party in power, and their leader will become Prime Minister.

You need to be on the electoral register to vote – you can do this by registering (see link below!) or you will already be on there if you have voted before at your current address.

How do I register to vote? You can register to vote on the Government’s website: You will be asked to provide your:

The deadline to register to vote in this General Election is midnight on Tuesday 18th June 2024.

Can I register to vote from my term time address?

Yes! You can register from both your term time address and your home address, but you can only vote in one area (the area you’re living in on July 4th 2024).

I’m an international student, am I eligible to vote?

Some international students will be eligible to vote in the upcoming General Election. British, Irish and qualifying Commonwealth citizens resident in the UK are allowed to vote in General Elections.

Here is a quick and easy online tool to identify whether you can vote or not:

How do I vote?

You need to register to vote in order to be on the electoral register. Around a month before the election takes place, you will receive a polling card in the post, which will hold information about your local polling station; you don’t need to take this with you to vote. When you go to vote, you will need to take photo ID with you.

If you have applied and been accepted to vote by either post or proxy, you will receive instructions in the post on how to do so. For postal votes, you will need to return your ballot as soon as possible to ensure that it is counted in time.

What if I’m away from home on July 4th?

You can apply for a postal vote or a proxy vote.

Postal vote: you can apply for a postal vote if you want to vote at your home address, but you are living at your term-time address, or vice-versa. You can apply for a postal vote.

Proxy vote: this is where you ask a trusted person to vote on your behalf. You can only apply for a proxy vote under certain circumstances. You can apply for a proxy vote.

The deadline to apply for a postal vote is 5.00pm on Wednesday 19th June.

The deadline to apply for a proxy vote is 5.00pm on Wednesday 26th June.

What photo ID can I use?

You will need a form of photo ID to be able to vote, which includes:

You can still use your photo ID if it’s out of date, as long as it still looks like you.

How do I choose who to vote for?

Manifestos from each candidate will be released before the Election. This is the best way to find out which candidate aligns best with your beliefs. We recommend reading all of the manifestos so that you are well informed when you cast your vote.

Why should I vote?

Voting is a great way to exercise your democratic rights and choose an MP that you believe will benefit you the most. It gives you the power to decide how the UK is run and who will be making important decisions on issues that affect you, such as NHS funding, education, and housing.