Union response to escalating conflict in the Middle East

We are deeply saddened by the devastating events and violence that is currently unfolding in the Middle East.

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We are deeply saddened by the devastating events and violence that is currently unfolding in the Middle East.

We recognise that this is a very difficult time and that many students and staff within our community at the University of Derby will be experiencing distress and concern. We ask everyone to offer support and mutual respect at this challenging time.

For us at Derby Union of Students, along with the NUS, this is a moment to support students, stand firm in tackling hate-speech and abuse, and de-escalate fear and tension on campus.

Our priority is ensuring that those who need it know where to seek support. We also would like to highlight where to report any acts of discrimination and hate, if witnessed.

If you are affected by these upsetting events and feel you’d like to speak to someone, you can seek support from:

  •  Student Wellbeing Centre: 01332 593000 / studentservices@derby.ac.uk
  •  Chaplaincy at the Multi Faith Centre: You can email Adam at a.dickens@derby.ac.uk
  •  Samaritans have a free 24/7 support line: 116 123
  • If you feel your academic studies have been negatively impacted due to these distressing events, please reach out to your personal academic tutors. You can also email the Union Advice Service for support. 
  • If you witness any bullying, harassment or racism, you can report this using the ‘report a concern’ form that can be accessed using the ‘tell us’ tile on your UDO portal.
  • We also recommend downloading the free safety app ‘SafeZone’. Using this app means you can call for help and assistance when you need it at the touch of a button. It gives you fast access to security whenever and wherever you are on campus.
  • You can also seek support for reporting through the Union Advice Service.
