A year in review

Reflecting on the past year, my efforts have been many-sided, aiming to provide better facilities, improve the experience for students, create more quiet spaces, offer more cost-of-living support, increase accessibility and inclusion, and strengthen Union presence across campuses.

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Reflecting on the past year, my efforts have been many-sided, aiming to provide better facilities, improve the experience for students, create more quiet spaces, offer more cost-of-living support, increase accessibility and inclusion, and strengthen Union presence across campuses.

One of my primary goals was to enhance the spectator and sports performance experience. I successfully lobbied for the installation of dual spectator and performance cameras across key sports locations, significantly improving academic analysis capabilities for students. In addition, I have been working with the estates team on the creation of more prayer and baby nursing rooms on campuses, feeding into ongoing work around the redistribution of students to other sites. Most recently, I have been working with the director of estates to address student concerns and improve the safety of our zebra crossing.

I made significant strides in improving the visibility and quality of nursing rooms across campuses. Meetings with key stakeholders like the Interim Assistant Director of Estates and the Head of Student Services have been instrumental in assessing current policies and identifying areas for improvement. Although not all buildings have nursing rooms yet, we have plans to introduce new signage and improve visibility.

Creating quiet spaces has been another focus area for me. Initial meetings with key stakeholders have led to discussions about repurposing existing spaces, such as the library and underused classroom spaces. This initiative is now part of broader space prioritization efforts.

In response to the rising cost of living, I have worked to improve awareness of available support programs. Collaborations with the Union’s Advice Manager and the Union marketing team have led to updated website links and promotional efforts. Initiatives like filming a "Too Good to Go" episode have helped raise awareness about cost-saving opportunities. Although meetings about free black-and-white printing faced scheduling challenges, I remain committed to pursuing this goal. I continue to pursue the idea of creating a Union graduate bursary to support students struggling with the costs of graduation and interview attire.

Expanding the Parasports offering and developing the Halls Sport program have been key achievements. The successful continuation of Inclusive Sports Fortnight highlights our commitment to inclusive sports. Additionally, efforts to enhance the Buxton & Leek College sports offerings and engage international students through initiatives like Global Café have been met with positive feedback and high engagement.

Increasing the Union's presence at other campuses has been a priority for me. The Union implemented a "Let's Get Visible" plan and a working rota for satellite campuses, ensuring regular support and visibility. This has included facilitating NSA Rep Meetings and providing advice services from the ihub.

Work carried out on accessible education has evolved into the creation of principles which hopefully will serve as benchmarks for the university. Regular meetings with the Deputy Provost of Learning and Teaching have been established to push these principles forward. The aim is to present a draft paper to the Student Affairs Committee in July, ensuring a smooth handover and continuity of efforts.

Efforts to improve voter registration and re-establish Citizen ID Cards for students have been ongoing and have culminated in work on the General Election. My colleagues and I will be hosting registration centers at Halls, as well as the Student Hub and the Library.

Engagement with the governing council has notably improved this year. For the first time, I, with the support of the officer team, was afforded the opportunity to host a workshop at the University Strategy Day. This workshop, featuring student guests who shared their real lived experiences, provided governors and senior leaders with valuable insights into the Derby student experience. The Union is eager to build on this success and hopes to deliver another workshop in the future. We are deeply grateful for the significant support received from the governors this year; their insights and guidance have been invaluable.

This year has been one of progress and learning for me. While challenges remain, the foundations laid and the collaborative efforts with various stakeholders have set the stage for continued improvements. I look forward to seeing these successes continue with the 24/25 Officer team, ensuring that initiatives this year continue to positively impact student life across all campuses. Together, we are creating a more inclusive, supportive, and enriching university experience.
