Reflecting on the past years' achievements

This year as Vice President (Activities) I focused on three manifesto points, providing greater support and opportunities, to increase accessibility and inclusivity of the activities offer and to increase social media presence to all sports, societies and student led services.

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This year as Vice President (Activities) I focused on three manifesto points, providing greater support and opportunities, to increase accessibility and inclusivity of the activities offer and to increase social media presence to all sports, societies and student led services.

At the beginning of the academic year, I hosted two social media workshops for sports and societies, to help support them with growing their social media following and increase their social media engagement. I had over 70 people attend the training, with many finding it useful and helping them plan their social media posting for their upcoming events.

Throughout the academic year societies council and I awarded 8 societies society of the month to recognise the amazing work they have been doing within their societies. In February, we hosted a Societies social to increase community between the Union societies, societies council and union staff. Over 75 members attended, we offered free food, and 7 different societies hosted rounds of the quiz. The feedback received after the event was positive, with many societies asking for more events to engage with one another leading to a more cohesive and active community among students.

In April, we had a very successful Community Awards evening to celebrate our wonderful societies and their work. We were able to introduce new awards, with a more inclusive criteria, to encourage more societies to nominate themselves and celebrate their successes and achievements.

Throughout the academic year, with the support of societies council we approved 13 new societies to hopefully increase the community and belonging of students at the University by giving them more opportunities to engage with others of similar interests. Additionally, we approved over £8k worth of funding applications to support society activities such as end of year balls and trips.

Through the academic year I supported in planning and organising of the home Varsity against Hertfordshire including 24 of our sports clubs with the inclusion of the football journalism course. To promote the event, we had a captain’s photoshoot, promotion video and countdown posts on social media to increase the excitement and engagement with the event. We worked closely with the Sport and Physical Activity team to improve spectator experience. After a very successful day we lifted the trophy for the first time after securing a 39-27 win.

I organise and hosted two parasports events throughout the year, first in November for Disability History Month including activities such as para-cheer, blind football inclusive climbing and visually impaired tennis. The second in April with activities such as boccia and inclusive swimming. The event was supported by the occupational therapy course as part their leisure module that 3rd year students’ study. By hosting these events we were able to raise awareness about the importance of parasports and positive effects participating in physical activity has on mental health.

VP Education and I have been in contact with the Nuclear Skills apprentices to create activities offer for them. Following a survey with some suggestions of activities, we have visited the Rolls Royce Sporting Facilities, and we are starting to plan activities to give the apprentices an extra-curricular offering.

BUCS takeover on social media on Wednesdays has been a massive success. Over the year we have increased the engagement with students watching and participating in sports. We have received positive feedback and a high demand to continue to do this on a weekly basis. This consists of a combination of different stories, some examples include interviews with spectators, interviews with players and captains, action shots from games etc. The increase in social media presence and promotion has increased the support sports clubs receive on a Wednesday.

As part of the discussions for the new sports strategy looking into performance sports and increasing the amount of performance sports we have within the University. After taking in some negative feedback around the gap between performance and non-performance sport Sports council and I have worked closely with Ollie Shearer and Simon Law to create a criteria on to give the opportunity for sports clubs to apply to become development sports. The development club status would be the middle ground between performance and non-performance sports to help bridge the gap and support those teams who want to improve potentially become performance teams in the future. By developing a strategy and improving sports within the University, we will be able to attract more students and increase in the BUCS points ranking.

I helped plan sports awards, managed to secure a new venue which has never been used before. I have successfully helped to secure £1850 in sponsorship, due to link through myself and sports council. After a review of last year’s feedback, I was able to support with introducing new awards, with a more inclusive criteria, to encourage more sports to nominate themselves and celebrate their successes and achievements. The event was very successful with very positive feedback from the night.

I am excited to continue my work next year with some exciting things planned for our sports, societies and student led services. I once again have three manifesto points; I will be focusing on. To develop a more inclusive sports, societies, and student-led service environment, to increase student engagement with the Union through sports, societies and student-led services and lastly enhance marketing strategies for Sports, Societies and SLS.

During the year I want to focus on promoting inclusivity and accessibility, to increase the number of memberships as well as making sure all members can participate regardless of their background, ability, or identity. Additionally, providing resources and guidance to support the growth and development of existing sports, societies, and SLS. I plan to organise workshops and seminars on topics relevant to the needs of sports teams, societies, and student-led services to help members feel supported throughout their time at university and encourage more student to join us as student volunteers. I plan organise events to help members connect and foster a sense of community and belonging at the university. I aim to work with the student officers to create student communities to increase Union engagement with hard-to-reach student groups such as: mature students, student parents and commuting students.

I want to continue my social media work from this year by creating engaging multimedia content, such as videos and graphics to highlight the dynamic culture and different offerings of union sports and societies and SLS, promoting a sense of excitement and community among students.
