You Said, We Did - Britannia Mill Study Space

You said, 'we've had our library taken away', We 'worked alongside both students and the university to ensure a suitable alternative was provided'.

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The Executive Officers sat talking on sofas.

You said, 'we've had our library taken away', We 'worked alongside both students and the university to ensure a suitable alternative was provided'.

💥 Britannia Mill Study Space💥

Following unexpected changes to the library space, students from various Britannia Mill courses, especially within the arts, approached the Union for support. These changes were particularly impactful for mature students and students with hidden disabilities or mental health concerns, as they relied on the library as a consistent, supportive workspace. In response, we engaged with university stakeholders to understand the basis for these changes and advocate on behalf of the students. By organising sessions where students and university executives could openly discuss the impact, students were able to express their concerns effectively, emphasising the importance of an alternative workspace. Thanks to the university's supporting the opportunity to listen to the representatives, a suitable alternative was arranged. This experience underscores the value of student representation, with both the Union and university working together to ensure students’ needs remain central to decision-making.

