Could you be the next Union President?

Find out more about the Officer Trustee positions!

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We are a democratic organisation representing the students of the University of Derby. To do this, every year we elect students into representative positions, in order to best represent our students.

Many of our Student Officer positions are part-time, voluntary roles which are perfect for students who want to represent their peers alongside studying. If this sounds like you, you can read more about part-time Education and EDI positions on our Elections webpage.

We also elect full-time, paid Officer Trustees that you can nominate yourself for; these are the Union President, and Vice Presidents for Education, Activities, and Welfare. These positions are suitable for students who will graduating at the end of this academic year, or who will take a year out of their studies to fill the role. Officer Trustees lead the direction of the Union of Students and work to enact real change that positively affects students’ lives.

Fancy it? Keep reading to find out more about the Officer Trustee roles!


The President oversees the Union and everything they do. They act as the main contact for any queries regarding the Unions Governance and are the primary representative between the Union and the local and wider community, and at all appropriate official occasions.

Vice President (Education)

The VP (Education) represents the Union and its members at University & College meetings and ensure that any academic policy is student focused. They work alongside staff teams within the Union to address issues relating to education within the University of Derby. They also encourage a fair and democratic process for the election of academic representatives across the University.

Vice President (Activities)

The VP (Activities) facilitates the meetings of Union Societies and sports and student led services. Works towards increasing membership and retention within Sports, Societies and Student-Led Services. Encourages the student groups to uphold the constitutions of Union Societies and sports and student led services.

Vice President (Welfare)

The VP (Welfare) actively represents the needs and issues of students particularly focusing on the voices of underrepresented student groups. Takes a lead on ensuring the Union’s activities and opportunities are inclusive. Contributes to campaigns and focus days happening with a focus on Liberation groups and protected characteristics.

Head to our Elections webpages to find out more and nominate yourself for any of our Student Officer roles before midnight on Thursday 16th February! 

Alternatively, you can email us if you have any specific enquiries or support with your manifesto.
