Second semester has started, and new deadlines are upon us which means new stress. University is a stressful time for everyone, and we all need ways to relieve it.
- Talk to someone
Whether this be a friend or the support system provided by the university, talking to someone allows you to process emotions and perhaps gain a new perspective on the situation. Make sure you are comfortable with who you talk to and that it is someone you trust.
- Sleep enough
Easier said than done, I know, but reaching a minimum of eight hours is vital to have good mental and physical health. Not only does it make lectures easier and encourages you to become more focused, but it also improves memory.
- Physical health
Exercising releases endorphins which can create less anxiety and stress. This doesn’t have to be going to the gym, it can be as easy as going for a 30-minute walk during the day. Eating well helps the brain to function properly while balancing your hormones. Either head to Markeaton Park or opt for walking to campus instead of taking the bus.
- Mindfulness
It is easy to look ahead to looming deadlines but by living in the present it helps you to forget about the stress of the future. Focussing on your breathing, walking, meditation and practicing gratitude all go hand in hand to clearing your brain of negativity and stress. Whether you download the Headspace app, or go to a yoga class, there are plenty of options!
- Forgive yourself
Students are their own biggest critic. Not attending a lecture or starting work too late can all add up in our heads, but we are all human. There is no one way to do university, so just relax, forgive yourself for possibly not doing your best in an assignment and just know you’re trying. University isn’t meant to be easy!