Welcome to the Debate Society!

Why go to University if there is not any debate in sight? All you Kings and Queens of controversy this is the society for you. Here is your chance to stand up and state your beliefs on a wide range of topics.
We aim to not only foster a respectful environment where debate can take place, but to also develop those who wish to improve their communication and confidence in public speaking. Furthermore, and most importantly, we want to build a social community of students who will get to know each other over the coming semester!
This is the second year the society is running since it dormancy. Some of the highlights from last year was the tipsy debating sessions, the joint social- Pub Golf, Halloween Quiz Night and our heated debate sessions.
Come meet us at freshers fair on the 17th and 18th of September.
We also will be organising Give it a go sessions that will take place on
> Wednesday 18th September 6-8pm
>Tuesday 24th September 6-8pm
Locations of the Give it a Go sessions shall be at One Friar Gate Square's Court Room
We shall hold 1-2 sessions monthly to get together and have debates. Dates will be dependent on members availability to maximise the turn out and engament.
To access the sessions, you will need both the Union Pass (£5) and Society Membership. The
Union Societies Pass is a one-time fee of £5 that allows you to join our amazing Union societies. As a
Union Societies member, you receive the following benefits:
- · Access to join our range of Societies
- · Societies have access to book rooms at the University
- · Societies can apply for funding from the Union for their activities, events & trips
- · Able to purchase tickets for the Society Awards
- · Accident Insurance
The Union Societies Pass fees go straight back into funding our societies throughout the year and is not spent on anything else.
Debate membership price is £5. Please note that there may be events that inccur a charge which would not fall under the membership price. This may include end of year ball.
We shall be holding a number of events throughout the academic year. These include tipsy debate sessions, joint socials, charity events. The dates will be soon announced and will be updated on here. Follow our social media for updates as well.
Instagram @uod_debate
We hope to see you soon!