

Resources on Conservatism

This page contains links to online or physical resources on elements of conservatism. Please note we are not affiliated to any of the authors, publishers or any other party related to these resources.

You may be able to view these resources through the University Library or the British Library

Writings picked by Jack Lee

Absolute Relativism: The New Dictatorship and What to Do About It - Chris Stefanick

The End of Democracy - Christophe Buffin de Chosal

Revolution and Counter-revolution - Plinio Corrêa de Oliveira

The Death of the West - Patrick J. Buchanan 

Foundations of Conservatism

Leviathan - Thomas Hobbes

De CiveDe Corpore and De Hominem - Thomas Hobbes

Traditional Conservatism

A Vindication of Natural Society A Philosophical Enquiry into the Origin of Our Ideas of the Sublime - Edmund Burke

Reflections on the Revolution of France - Edmund Burke

On Being Conservative - Michael Oakeshott

On Human Conduct - Michael Oakeshott

The Politics of Faith and the Politics of Scepticism - Michael Oakeshott

New Right & Thatcherism

For the New Intellectual - Ayn Rand

The New Left: The Anti-Industrial Revolution - Ayn Rand

Capitalism: The Unknown Ideal - Ayn Rand

The Virtue of Selfishness - Ayn Rand

Anarchy, State and Utopia - Robert Nozick

Law, Legislation and Liberty - Friedrich Hayek

Individualism and Economic Order - Friedrich Hayek 

The Road to Serfdom - Friedrich Hayek

Conservatism Today

The Conservatives' Manifesto 2010

The Conservatives' Manifesto 2019