
Welcome back to the new academic year everyone!

I'm Megan and I am a third-year LLB student. I am this year's President of the Law Society, after being last year's secretary on the committee. In addition to this role, I am also the Union societies chair within the student union working with all of the Societies.

As the only law-related academic society, we are welcoming all Law students across the university. in addition, if you are so a non-law student who has an interest in the law this society may also be for you, to engage with others who share a similar interest.

This year we hope to offer a greater variety of career events that broadcast the different career options that a law degree can offer in both the legal field and in non-law related opportunities. We also hope to broadcast both the traditional and non-traditional routes into the Legal field.

Our charity for this year: Support through court 

We are super excited to meet and welcome you all whether you are new students or returning students, whether you are interested in Law seeking to network or enhance your legal understanding. 


Law Ball - Friday 11th April 2025 7pm-midnight - follow link to purchase tickets

For More Law Ball information -


There is an opportunity for members of the Law Society to sell and buy second hand textbooks from other derby Students. To join the textbook marketplace, you must be a law society member.


To become a society member, you will need both the Society Membership (£10) and Union Pass (£5).


Our membership price for 2024/25 is £10.

If you buy the membership you will receive:

  • Reduced entry fees to events
  • Access to our newsletter (NEW to this academic year)
  • Enables you to run in our committee elections

By buying our membership, it will enable us to host great events this year to ensure you get your value for money. It will also go towards our annual law ball, to cover all the costs.

Union Society Pass:

The Union Societies Pass is a one-time fee of £5 that allows you to join our amazing Union Societies. As a Union Societies member, you will receive the following benefits:

  • Access to join our range of Societies
  • Societies have access to book rooms at the University
  • Societies can apply for funding from the Union for their activities, events & trips
  • Able to purchase tickets for Society Awards
  • Accident Insurance

The Union Societies Pass fees go straight back into funding our societies throughout the year and is not spent on anything else.

If you have any questions or enquiries please email us. In addition, if you have any interests that you would like to be covered within the careers events please get in contact with us.


General Email -
President Email -
Careers Email -
Instagram - @uodstudentlawsociety
Linkedln - @University of Derby Student Law Society



- Give it a go social games session (social event)(19/09/24)

- Give it a go life of a solicitor v life of a barrister (careers event)(24/09/24)

- Pub Golf (social event)(16/10/24)

- Motorsport Law (careers event)(29/10/24)

- Charity joint Debate and Law bingo (social event)(30/10/24)

- Family law panel (careers event)(6/11/24)

- Great Legal Bake Sale (Fundraising Event)(19/11/24)

- House of Holes Mini Golf (Social Event)(21/11/24)

- Legal Pathways: Pathways to Success ( Careers Event)(3/12/24)

- Legal Pub Crawl (social event)(5/02/25)

- What it takes to become a barrister with Christopher Buckingham of St Phillips Chamber (Career Event)(20/02/25)