Musical Theatre
Who are we?
We are the official, '23/24 Society of the Year' winning, UoD Musical Theatre society. We are interested in all things Musical Theatre! If you enjoy watching shows, want to be up on stage or part of our tech team then there is a place just for you! We welcome all ages and abilities so all you need to do is show up and give it a go!!
What to look forward to...
- The first is our winter showcase! - where members can demonstrate their talents by performing a solo or duet, monologue or dance number! It is a time to perform whatever you want to! Every member is also invited to perform in three full cast numbers.
- Our second performance is our spring musical! - Committee and creatives will present the cast with options for the show, and everyone will get their say. There will be ample opportunity to audition for major and minor roles, as well as join the ensemble or tech crew. The show takes place before exam season, so there will be plenty of time for you to concentrate on your studies.
Our wonderful tech crew provide us with amazing lighting, sound and set design, and without them the show wouldn't be possible. We are always on the lookout for more techies, so if this sounds more like you, please don't hestitate to pop down and see us!!
Every December we look to expand our creative team. Perhaps you want to try your hand at choreography, or leading a vocal session, maybe being a character coach for the spring musical!? - this is the opportunity to do so. Freshers and returning members are both encouraged to apply.
- Charity events. We support many charities each year by putting on fundraising events and attending the events of other societies, winning awards like 'charitable champions' for our efforts.
- Socials! Of course we have our socials too! This year we are aiming to have bi-monthly socials, allowing a balance of sober and non sober events!
Upcoming Events
- Our Winter Showcase on the 7th and 8th of December!
- Our Spring Musical
- Social events across Derby range from a massive variety such as day trips, well-being sessions, drinking events and theatre trips.
- University and external events that we are invited to attend and perform at.
- Many other social events so make sure you are following our social media to keep up to date on Instagram, Facebook and TikTok! @derbyunimt
Who Would Enjoy The Society?
Anyone with an interest in Musical Theatre or behind the scenes work! It doesn't matter if you have no experience at all, or if you're wanting to do it as a career! We proudly cater for all abilities and have a wonderful group of Creatives (Choreographer, Director and Musical Director) who are there to assist and support you at all times. We also aim to develop your skills and confidence during your time with us!
We are a society that whole heartedly care about each other and our craft.
Our sessions are based in Britannia Mill campus on Tuesday and Thursday evenings.
In order to join the society, you are required to pay a one off £15 membership fee, and £5 Union pass. Both of these go towards funding all the amazing societies and events!
Be sure to follow our social media to keep up to date with all our events and musical madness!
A few photos of what we get up to
Photos taken by one of our members from 2023/2024 - @reigohmusic