
We're here to give you the opportunity to meet, socialise with, and learn from other students.
We're setting up regular socials, with informal meet-ups (just to chat!), trips and events (both for your career, and for fun - often both!), and in-person study sessions where you can talk things through with other students (like our SafeMedicate Workshops!).
We create and provide resources to help our Nursing students with any parts of the course you may be finding challenging (check out our proficiency trackers!).
We can also bring in guest speakers and subject matter experts for any topics our members express interest in!
You can talk to us informally either using our email address, or meeting up in person at any of our social events. Depending on what you need support with, we can let you know about any resources or services that might help, or just talk about shared experience!
You can find us at the Freshers' Fair on the 17th and 18th of September, in the Sports Centre at Kedleston Road!
You can find more information about the Sports Centre, including accessibility information, by following this link.
To access the sessions, you will need both the Union Societies pass (£5) and Nursing Society membership (£3).
Nursing Society Membership
Once you are a member, you will have access to most of our events at no additional cost. For larger events, especially where catering is provided, members will be given a discounted price for tickets.
Union Societies Pass
The Union Societies Pass is a one-time fee of £5 that allows you to join our Union societies.
As a Union Societies member, you receive the following benefits:
· Access to join our range of Societies
· Societies have access to book rooms at the University
· Societies can apply for funding from the Union for their activities, events, and trips
· Able to purchase tickets for the Society Awards
· Accident Insurance
The Union Societies pass fees go straight back into funding our societies throughout the year and is not spent on anything else.