Eligibility in applying to become a Special Constbale:
Their is many things that need to be considered when deciding if you are eligiable in having a career in the police service, things to consider:
Accademic qualifications and experience:
There are no minimum academic qualifications required to become a Special Constable. However all Special Constables should have a good foundation in Maths and English Language, both written and spoken, due to the nature of policing and the legal requirements of the role.
You must be over the age of 18 at point of application to become a Special Constable. There is no upper age.
Business interest:
Being a Special Constable is a volunteer role so we need to ensure that this does not cause a conflict of interest with your paid employment. People working in Security, have designated powers or require a license (such as alcohol or gambling) from the police are unable to become special constables along with anyone who’s business could be perceived as benefiting from you being a special constable. Please email the team for more specific information.
Cautions, convictions and vetting:
Ideally, you shouldn't have a criminal conviction or cautions record. If you do have one, you may be rejected, although we may take into account your age at the time and nature of the offence.
DNA and fingerprints:
If appointed you must be prepared to have your DNA and fingerprints taken to be searched against the national databases and to be stored on the police elimination database. Police Regulations state that prior to appointment applicants must have their DNA and fingerprints taken for the purposes of a speculative search to ascertain if they have previously come to police attention or if the applicant is linked to any outstanding crime scenes or marks. Failure to consent to this will result in your appointment to the police service not being progressed.
Driving liecense:
Applicants are not required to hold a full or provisional UK driving licence. However as you progress as a Special Constable you may find yourself limited in certain areas you can volunteer if you are unable to drive vehicles.
Eyesight requirements:
The standard you need to meet either with or without spectacles or contact lenses is:
Distance vision
- 6/12 or better with either your right or left eye
- 6/6 with both eyes together
- if you wear spectacles or contact lenses you also need to reach 6/36 without your spectacles or lenses.
Near vision
- 6/9 with both eyes together [aided].
Colour vision
The use of colour correcting lenses is not acceptable. Severe colour vision deficiencies (monochromacy) are not acceptable. Mild anomalous trichromacy is acceptable. Severe anomalous dichromacy or trichromacy is also acceptable but you will need to be aware of the deficiency and make appropriate adjustments.
Eye surgery
Radial keratotomy, arcuate keratotomy or corneal grafts are not acceptable. Other forms of refractive surgery such as LASIK, LASEK, PRK, ICRS and epiflap are all acceptable provided that six weeks have elapsed since surgery, there are no residual side effects and the other eyesight standards are met. You may be asked to provide a report from an optician.
Health and fitness:
Candidates are required to complete a 15m multi-stage shuttle run (bleep test) to level 5.4 (3 minutes and 40 secs).
The bleep test includes a warm up to level 3 (1 min 30 secs), followed by stretching.
Candidates are entitled to three attempts to pass the test, after an agreed time period for training and improvement, depending upon level of fitness/strength. This will be agreed by the candidate and the trainer. If a candidate fails at the third attempt they are rejected from the process.
Successful applicants will be required to complete a medical health questionnaire and undertake a medical examination. Failure to meet the medical standards as determined by the Home Office will result in an applicant not being appointed.
Membership of BNP or similar groups:
We won't accept applications from anyone who is, or has been, a member of the British National Party, Combat 18, National Front or similar organization.
All applicants must have been resident in the UK for the last five years without break to meet the residency criteria.
If your residency abroad involved work with The British Armed Forces or on UK Government Service then you would still be considered to have been resident in the UK.
Other force applications:
You may apply to more than one Force at a time. Your application will not be accepted if you have previously applied unsuccessfully, in the last six months, to another police force/service in England and Wales that requires candidates to undertake the Police SEARCH Recruit Assessment Centre.
Substance misuse:
This contradicts everything the role of a police officer stands for - if you are currently using any illegal drugs, this will rule you out of the recruitment process automatically. Police Regulations state that you must be tested for substance misuse. Failure to provide a sample will result in your application being terminated.
Tattoos in keeping with a professional image may be appropriately exposed while wearing suitable uniform / clothing, e.g. short sleeves are permitted where a tattoo is on the arm or wrist. Anyone who has a tattoo that might be construed as discriminatory, violent, intimidating, political, lewd or offensive, to any religion or belief, will not be accepted to join Northamptonshire Police.
Facial studs, including tongue studs and pins cannot be worn. Any cultural or religious reasons for needing to wear facial jewellery should be brought to the attention of MFSS Resourcing at the application stage.
If you feel that you are not eligible in joining the police you should always enquire with the HR department of the force you wish to apply too. As they will give you advice and guidence in how to overcome any issues that may reject your application.