Recruitment help centre
Do you need any help during your recruitment journey?
If so, there is a lot of help we can provide to you:
- You can email us at any point for general questions or advice on anything you are unsure of. Some of your committee members have done this process and might have been in the same situation as you! Our email is attached to this web page.
- If you want tailored advice regarding your interview and how best to prepare. Please email the Careers Service that the Uni provides free of charge! http://careers@derby.ac.uk
- Follow our guidance on this page, which may be very relevant and useful to you!
- There are a lot of videos and online advice on the internet that are very useful.
- The Society aims to offer a service to members recruitment workshops for various parts of the recruitment process. This includes practice fitness tests and general Q and A sessions. If you wish to sign up for the next session, please email and register your interest.
- If your lecturer is from a policing background, they may be able to assist but remember that they may not be knowledgeable in the Special Constable recruitment process.
The UOD Policing Society wishes you the best of luck and success!!