Recruitment Process and Advice:
There is several key stages that you require to complete before being given your final offer. It may seem daunting but think of it as several small stages in which you need to overcome. Take the recruitment process step by step. The whole process tends to take 3-4 months but is definetly worth the wait!
Here is a video that shows how rewarding it is in being a special constable:
Stage 1: Application
Before you apply, check that recruitment is open and that you're eligable to apply.
Your application will go through a formal papersift process. This includes the marking of competency-based answers.
Stage 2: National sift
The national sift consists of two exercises testing the competencies and values that are important for the role of police constable. You will be asked to complete a situational judgement test (SJT) and a behavioural-style questionnaire. Click the link for guidance and advice on what to expext on this stage: https://www.college.police.uk/career-learning/joining-police/online-assessment-process
Stage 3: Interview
If you are successful at the application stage, we will invite you to an interview.
Interviews will be held at a Force HQ and should last no more than 45 minutes.
Interview panels consist of police officers of differing ranks and members of the Special Constabulary
Watch this video to help in structuring and preparing for interview questions:
Here is the STAR method. This is the most basic interview structure that you can incorporate when preparing your responses for the interview. You can use this structure to add structure and ensure your responses are in-depth and thorough. There are more in-depth interview methods if you wish to be more thorough.

Stage 4: Fitness test
To ensure you are fit enough to carry out the role of a Special Constable, you must undertake a fitness test before being appointed. Your fitness will be assessed through a bleep-test. You must reach a minimum of 5.4 to pass.
Your fitness will be assessed annually to ensure you continue to maintain the required fitness level.
Stage 5: Medical
We will ask you to complete a medical history questionnaire and attend a medical appointment. This is with our force physician in Lincoln. It will include a medical examination, eyesight and hearing test.
Stage 6: Pre-joining checks
We will conduct comprehensive vetting checks and request references.
We will conduct police checks on you, your immediate family and any adult living at the same address as you. We will also request National Security Vetting and carry out financial checks.
DNA and fingerprints (biometric vetting)
We will take samples of your DNA and fingerprints and check against outstanding crimes. We do this after we make a provisional offer, but before a final offer to appoint.
We will write to your two chosen referees. One of which should be your current employer.
When all the necessary checks are complete, we will write to you to confirm your acceptance.
Once we have received satisfactory clearance, we will allocate a place to you on the next available intake. This is providing there is room available at your chosen station. Your appointment is subject to your continued suitability.
Stage 7: Uniform fitting
We will invite you to Force Headquarters for a uniform fitting. This will take place in the two weeks leading up to the Initial Training Programme start date.
Whilst in your uniform, you will have your photograph taken for your warrant card.
Stage 8: Training
Attendance on all dates within the Initial Training Programme is mandatory before you can go out on duty.
Here is a usuful video of someone who has been through this process and here thoughts on the process: