What our Society can offer you as a student:
We want to offer students opportunities to futher their knowledge about policing, being a student and more. By doing this, we hope to help you gain a better understanding of these topics by practicing and teaching new skills and providing information that will help you in your future careers in Policing and other relevant areas. We are aiming to do this through a range of different events along with fun socials too.
Events we hold:
- Guest speakers: Talks lead by different guests, sharing their knowldege, experiences in Policing, how they got into their role and give students advice.
- Information sessions: Sessions where we provide you with information on different topics like different areas of policing or policing types to help widen your knowledge, this will also help you in your own studies too!
- Fitness sessions: Sessions to practice the bleep test, to improve your fitness and prepare you for fitness testing when applying to join the police.
- Drinking socials: fun nights out and parties such as Popworld wednesdays, this gives students a chance to have fun with friends and other society members. Some socials may even have a theme so you can dress up for our socials.
- Non-drinking socials: movie nights, muder mysteries, quiz nights and more for those who dont drink and everyone else who wants to come along to a more chilled out social instead.
- Charity/fundraising events: Opportunities for us to raise money for the society or for a chosen charity through different fundraising events like bake sales, raffles, coffee mornings and more.
If you have any suggestions of other events we could do or what else you'd like to see from us please constact us by email: police.soc@derbyunion.co.uk or on instagram: uodpolicingsoc.