Welcome to the Publishing Society!
Whether you're batty about books, wild about writing, delighted about design, or just wondering about the world of publishing, we want you! As a member of the Publishing Society, you will take part in publishing anthologies, holding competitions, and fundraising for charity. We meet fortnightly to have a chat about books we love (and books we love to hate), as well as supporting Derby Uni writers by giving them a platform to promote their work.
Freshers & GIAG Dates:
Thank you to everyone who came to our Freshers stall and GIAGs:
We had a brilliant time hosting our Give-it-a-Go sessions in September! We loved seeing how talented everybody was during our zine-making workshop. If you didn't know, zines are small magazines that are traditionally handmade/ hand-illustrated, and can be based around any subject you like! For instance, your zine could be centered around Halloween, any hobbies you might have, your pet(s), poetry, or your favourite pizza toppings! It's completely up to you!
Then our 'Book Spotlight' taster session got all of us adding to our TBR list!
Our February GIAG sessions will be held on the 5th and 19th of February, 1.00 - 2.00 pm at Dubrek Studios (cafe/bar area). Just bring the current book you're reading!
Book Spotlights

Book Spotlights are our regular, fortnightly meetings as a society where we meet up for an hour and discuss our current reads. The meetings act similar to a book club, however this way, we get constant book recommendations from each other (who doesn't want more books to add to their never-ending TBR list?!).
All you need to bring is your current read and some notes or comments on your book, simple :)
When & Where?
Date: Every other Wednesday (5th Feb, 19th Feb, etc.).
Time: 13.00 -14.00 p.m.
Location: Dubrek Studios (cafe/bar).
Memberships & Prices:
To access the sessions, you will need both the Union Pass (£5) and Society Membership (£8). The Union Societies Pass is a one-time fee of £5 that allows you to join our amazing Union societies. As a Union Societies member, you receive the following benefits:
• Access to join our range of Societies
• Societies have access to book rooms at the University
• Societies can apply for funding from the Union for their activities, events & trips
• Able to purchase tickets for the Society Awards
• Accident Insurance
The Union Societies Pass fees go straight back into funding our societies throughout the year and is not spent on anything else.
Our upcoming events:
These next events are subject to change:
- Open Mic Night
- Mental Health Writer's Walk
- Society Fundraising:

Last year, we held a second-hand book sale with 10% of the proceeds going to BookTrust. All our members got involved and it was a great way to get to know all the book lovers of Derby Uni! This upcoming year, we're hoping to do another fundraising event for charity and we'd love your input!
If you have any questions, please email us at:
Or message us on our Instagram @derbyuspubsoc
Check out our new blog! :