Pool & Snooker

Who are we?
We are the University of Derby Pool & Snooker Club, passionate about cue sports and dedicated to creating an inclusive community for players of all levels.
What do we do?
We participate in BUCS competitions, offering both competitive and social opportunities for members. Throughout the year, we host various events and attend other socials to ensure there's something for everyone.
Come talk to us at freshers fair on the 17th and 18th of September.
From left to right:
Stephen Jolliffe (President), Thomas Sharpe (Treasurer), Jessica Ralph (Secretary).
Give it a go's:
Our first give it ago session of the semester will be on the 24th of september. Our second will be the 30th. There will be more give it a go's announced on our instagram later in the year.
When do we train?
We meet every week on alternating Mondays and Tuesdays.
What time do we train?
Training sessions run from 5 pm to 8 pm.
Where do we train?
Our sessions take place at The Corn Exchange, located in the City Centre, just 15 minutes away from most halls and close to the Derbion shopping centre and the Bus station.
To access the sessions, you will need both the Union Pass (£20) and Pool & Snooker Club Membership. The Union Sports Pass is a one-time annual fee of £20 that gives you access to participate within sports at your Union. As a Union Sports member, you receive the following benefits:
- Access to join our Sports Clubs and access training sessions.
- Eligibility to compete in BUCS competitions.
- Ability to purchase tickets to the Sports Awards.
- Specific Personal Accident Insurance for student sport through Endsleigh if you are injured as part of any club activities - Union Membership Resources
- Access to coaching and officiating bursaries through club applications to the Union.
The Union Sports Pass also helps keep our clubs affordable by helping the Union fund training and competition opportunities.
What memberships do we have available?
- Social Membership: £30 for the academic year, includes over 100 hours of pool, weekly 3-hour sessions at The Corn Exchange, social events, and inner society tournaments.
- Professional Development: £15 for the academic year, includes an additional 54 hours of pool with coaching, lead by our TEAM CAPTAIN Jay Atkinson. This will include friendly sessions with other universities, free entry to at least one university tournament, and possible entry to BUCS if selected for team, this is for more competitive players, anyone can become a BUCS team member.
- Christmas meal
- Club Awards
- Various social events, such as pub quizes, nights out, bowling trips, mini-golf socials, and more!

- Sports Awards 2022: Achieved Gold Club Status and won Team Performance of the Year.
- BUCS/Comp Achievements:
- In February 2022, our Men's 1st Team won the 8-Ball BUCS Championship with a 6-0 victory in the final.
- Our first-ever Snooker Team made it to the quarterfinals at BUCS in June.
- We raised £610 for Student Minds and Parkinsions uk last year.
- successfully navigated and led the restructuring process following a significant financial downturn, resulting in the club emerging from bankruptcy stronger and more financially stable.

Email: poolandsnooker@derbyunion.co.uk
fastest responses through our email!

Facebook - @UoDPoolSnooker
Twitter - @UoDPoolSnooker
Instagram - @UoDPoolSnooker
Email - poolandsnooker@derbyunion.co.uk
Youtube- @UoDPoolSnooker