Welcome to UOD SQUASH CLUB...
Whether you're a complete beginner to squash, a complete expert, or somewhere in-between, there's something for everyone here at UOD Squash Club!

We compete in BUCS league matches on Wednesday afternoons and our Club training is led by England Squash Level 2 qualified coaches. The Club is aiming to develop more opportunities for students to play recreational squash this year as well as recruit more players to participate in the BUCS league, representing Team Derby.
This year we will have 2 teams competing in the Men's BUCS leagues and are re-introducing 1 team competing in the Women's BUCS league. If competitive matches aren't for you, we also have social sessions taking place on a Monday that involve more relaxed play and which are not coach-led. Alternatively, there are squash courts available to book through the Sports Centre at the Kedleston Road campus for those who want to play whenever they like!
We are also partnering with Duffield Squash & Racketball Club this year to provide our members with an opportunity to compete in local leagues and play in their renowned facilties. Duffield Squash & Racketball Club boasts five championship standard courts and a show court with a spectator gallery, as well as a Club House and bar.
Here at UOD Squash Club we are also big lovers of a night out (so don't forget to bring your fancy dress!). We host socials on Wednesdays at least once a month, in either a University of Derby student accomodation common room or a Stonegate venue (The Hideout, The Friary, Popworld, Slug & Lettuce)
Freshers & Give It A Go Dates:
Freshers Fair 2024: Tue 17th September & Wed 18th September
Squash Give It A Go Sessions: Thu 19th September & Tue 24th September
Club Training Sessions 2024/25:
- Monday (Social Session) - 5:30-7pm
- Tuesday (Training) - 5:30-7pm
- Wednesday - BUCS matches
- Thursday (Training) - 5:30-7pm
Club training sessions are all held in the Sports Centre on Kedleston Road Campus.
Memberships & Prices:
To access the sessions, you will need both the Union Pass (£20) and Club Membership (£35). The Union Sports Pass is a one-time annual fee of £20 that gives you access to participate within sports at your Union. As a Union Sports member, you receive the following benefits:
- Access to join our Sports Clubs and access training sessions
- You are eligible to compete in BUCS competition
- Able to purchase tickets to the Sports Awards
- Specific Personal Accident Insurance for student sport through Endsleigh, if you are injured as part any club activities - https://www.derbyunion.co.uk/getinvolved/memberresources/
- Access to coaching and officiating bursaries through club application to the Union.
The Union Sports Pass also helps keep our clubs affordable by helping the Union fund training and competition opportunities.
- Welcome Event
- Christmas meal
- Club Awards
- Blue vs Orange
- Charity events
- Competitions and tournaments
- Achieved Bronze Club status at Sports Club Awards 2024
- Raised over £300 in aid of the Oddballs Foundation by hosting a 12-hour charity squash event. Three-time world squash champion Nick Matthew (aka 'The Wolf') came to support our event and sign our T-shirts and rackets!
- Warwick Inter-Uni Tournament 2024: competed against around 14 other universities in a weekend-long tournament. Achieved 2nd place in the Women's grade C category.
- Roehampton University Club Squash Tourmanent 2024: competed against Durham University, Southampton University, LSE (London School of Economics) and more universities in a weekend-long tournament
- Our Men's 1st team came 4th in the BUCS Midlands 2B League in the 2023/24 season
Contact Us:
Email: squash@derbyunion.co.uk
Social Media:
Instagram: @uodsquashclub
Facebook: University of Derby Squash Club